selected works
1. Hypnerotomachia Naturae. (2019).
image: Bart Lootsma
2. LuGo. Lern- und Gedenkort. (2021).
image: Rupert Asanger
3. Are You there LUA?. (2021).
image: Bart Lootsma
2. LuGo. Lern- und Gedenkort. (2021).
image: Rupert Asanger
3. Are You there LUA?. (2021).
4. When I am You and You are We. (2021).
image: Ufuk Sagir
5. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. (2021).
6. Transitions of Transmissions. (2022).
image: Nora Schröder. Lena Bils
image: Ufuk Sagir
5. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. (2021).
6. Transitions of Transmissions. (2022).
image: Nora Schröder. Lena Bils
10. Tuftings. (2022).
11. The things I wear. (2022)
12. Polychronism. Zeitfragmente I-V/VI. (2022).
13. Eis am Stiel. medienfrische. (2022).
11. The things I wear. (2022)
12. Polychronism. Zeitfragmente I-V/VI. (2022).
13. Eis am Stiel. medienfrische. (2022).